Thursday 6 November 2014

Why I love Autumn/Winter

My favourite time of the year is back and I can definitely feel it! October has been and gone already and now that November has arrived, the cold wintery weather has definitely made an appearance too. The leaves have turned into gorgeous shades of reds, oranges and purples and look beautiful falling through the sky onto the ground.
This blog post will consist of roughly 5 aspects of Autumn/Winter that I love.

Yesterday was the 5th of November, which is of course Bonfire Night! Or Guy Fawkes night as it is also called. Matthew and I decided we wanted to go watch the fireworks at one of our local parks, which was so good! The entry was free which is also a bonus and they also provided hot dogs and soup which was also free of charge. However we didn't have any of the free food because we had plans to go to Pizza Express afterwards. We met up with my mum and little brother and some friends. It was lovely to see the children's faces when the skies lit up with all different colours :)
Sadly my memory card ran out so I couldn't take any photos of the food we had, but we ordered dough balls to share and then Matthew had a pizza and I had a chicken pasta dish. We even ordered dessert afterwards because we were feeling a bit naughty, I had honeycomb cheesecake and Matthew had a fudge sundae. It was so good!

There is nothing I like more than being inside my house when it is cold and horrible outside; whether I'm snuggled up on the sofa watching films with a hot chocolate, or having a bit of 'me' time in the bath with some Lush or Zoella Beauty products! More on this in another post.

When the weather is nice (well as nice as it can get in these months!) I like to wrap up warm in thick tights, boots, gloves and a scarf and go for a nice walk. There's something about walking through crunchy, berry coloured leaves that make me really happy and all nostalgic :)

Now don't get me wrong, I love and burn candles all year long but now that the winter months are here, I like to burn my seasonal candles and not feel guilty! I used to work in a shop called Hallmark (which sell discounted Yankee Candles) and as an employee I also received an extra 25% off! Before I left to work in a nursery I stocked up on as many candles as Matthew would let me, which will probably last me a lifetime!

I think I have saved the best till last, Christmas is fast approaching and I am so excited! This year will be significantly different and quite strange, considering Matthew and I now have our own house. We have been buying decorations and already have a box full, ready to turn our first home together into a magical wonderland. I cannot wait for December to come around so I can finally put up our tree and all our decorations! 
Christmas is a time for spending time with family and friends, eating too much, spoiling loved ones and just generally being happy.

What do you love about Autumn/Winter?
Love Amy x

Image taken from Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good post :) few things why I like autumn:
    Warm clothes
    Cozy houses
    Waiting for Christmas
    watching films
    drinking hot drinks.
    Have a good day :)
